INTERLOCALITY Closing Event: report and materials

On occasion of the INTERLOCALITY closing event hosted by the local partner Fontys UAS, the project partners from Denmark, Germany, Finland and Italy, together with over 80 local and international participants have explored challenges and opportunities in enhancing the employability and retention of international students and graduates. Through innovative tools, evidence-based strategies, and collaborative approaches,…
“The Circle is Complete!”

That was the resounding conclusion at the final Transnational Partner Meeting of the INTERLOCALITY consortium at Fontys Eindhoven. This journey began with a brainstorm session between UCN and Fontys UAS in January 2020, leading to a project proposal submitted by a consortium of 5 partners in May 2021. Nearly five years later, the circle closed…
“INTERLOCALITY”: Project partners from Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Italy visit FH Münster

We share with you the article from FH Münster about the Transnational Partner Meeting organized in the German city as we have reached the halfway point of our project. In the “INTERLOCALITY” project, our university is working with project partners to develop tools that better integrate international students into the local labor market. A delegation…
INTERLOCALITY: let’s join forces to increase international students and recent graduates’ retention and employability!
INTERLOCALITY: let’s join forces to increase international students and recent graduates’ retention and employability! The project “INTERLOCALITY – increased local employability of international degree students” has finally begun. The project, financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union under the Ka2 Cooperation Partnership – Higher Education, aims at increasing local employability among international…