
What's new?

Willingness of Finnish employers remains a barrier to employment of international graduates

Willingness of Finnish employers remains a barrier to employment of international graduates

A report from the INTERLOCALITY project highlights that while Finnish employers recognise the benefits of hiring international students and graduates, their willingness remains a barrier to increased employment opportunities.

INTERLOCALITY Closing Event: report and materials

INTERLOCALITY Closing Event: report and materials

On occasion of the INTERLOCALITY closing event hosted by the local partner Fontys UAS, the…

“The Circle is Complete!”

“The Circle is Complete!”

That was the resounding conclusion at the final Transnational Partner Meeting of the INTERLOCALITY consortium…

Results pilot I AM Talent tool

Results pilot I AM Talent tool

I AM Talent I AM Talent is one of the tool created by Fontys within…

INTERLOCALITY closing event, November 18 2024 (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)

INTERLOCALITY closing event, November 18 2024 (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)

Please be aware that on Monday, the 18th, public transport may experience delays due to…

Enhancing online training  courses for staff: final insights from focus groups and pilots 

Enhancing online training  courses for staff: final insights from focus groups and pilots 

This article presents an update on the progress of the INTERLOCALITY project’s initiative to develop…

Online Staff training courses well on the way: insights into the development process

Online Staff training courses well on the way: insights into the development process

As emerged from the research insights conducted within Workpackage 2 of the project, to enhance…

The development of an International Talent Journey at Arcada

The development of an International Talent Journey at Arcada

Career support is fundamental for international higher education degree students seeking employment during and after…

“INTERLOCALITY”: Project partners from Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Italy visit FH Münster

“INTERLOCALITY”: Project partners from Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Italy visit FH Münster

We share with you the article from FH Münster about the Transnational Partner Meeting organized…

Developing not only employability, but also employer-ability

By Sandra Slotte The INTERLOCALITY project aims to increase the local employability of international higher…

The Employability Activities Catalogue (EAC)

The Employability Activities Catalogue (EAC) Download The Employability Activities Catalogue (EAC) is part of an…

First phase finished: International Alumni Monitoring Tool

First phase finished: International Alumni Monitoring Tool

Subproject IAMT  Fontys University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) is coordinator of the development of an International…

The Complexity of Internationalisation Calls for Collaboration by Sandra Slotte

The Complexity of Internationalisation Calls for Collaboration by Sandra Slotte

The increasingly complex, networked, and globalised environments highly affect the internationalisation of universities of applied…

Work in progress: International Alumni Monitoring Tool

Work in progress: International Alumni Monitoring Tool

Subproject IAMT  Fontys University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) is coordinator of the development of…

INTERLOCALITY: let’s join forces to increase international students and recent graduates’ retention and employability!  

INTERLOCALITY: let’s join forces to increase international students and recent graduates’ retention and employability!…